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For Faculty


Unemployment has become a matter of grave concern today. According to the 2016 Aspiring mind’s national employability report, around 80% of engineers are unemployable.The major reason for being poor conceptual clarity. This is because of the overdependence of students on notes, which leads to the spending of classroom time for dictation than discussions on the topic which leads to a lack of root knowledge of the subject.

Dictation creates a one-way communication making the classroom boring and less informative. This results in ineffective knowledge transfer between faculty and student. Faculty and students must work together to make the classroom environment lively. Teaching methods must be innovative which will result in their full involvement. More emphasis on the latest technology and practical sessions will be effective for them. The faculties must try their best to teach them topics from their apex to roots.

Lack of conceptual clarity and no debates over underlying components hinder the student’s ability, which leads to a weak foundation. It cannot be justified by just putting it entirely on faculties' shoulders. Faculty must help students to understand their topics and system to get rid of the notes system. It is then only our students can think beyond the syllabus barriers imposed on them.

Concepts must be properly explained in the class, if possible through practical means because for notes transfer there are other ways too digitally, but not for the enthusiasm of students once lost.

LectureNotes provides a platform for faculties like you where you can share their notes/materials for free. You can also create your public profile, updating details that will give you your own online identity and a fan following.

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